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Two Ponds Natonal Wildlife Refuge is not only a refuge for wildlife, but for people, as well.  Although surrounded by urban development, the Refuge is a place of solitude and peace, serving as a quiet retreat for those wishing to absorb the wonders of our natural world.  Your donations make it possible for visitors of all ages to learn the importance of conserving and restoring native habitat for the benefit of wildlife . . . and for people.  Please help us foster greater

understanding and deeper commitment to nature by making a donation.


Founders & Friends of Two Ponds NWR relies upon donations, grants and fundraising activities to carry out our mission.  Our organization is 100 percent volunteers – we have no paid employees - resulting in minimal overhead expenses.   

Make a Donation . . . Be a Volunteer . . . Be a Corporate Steward

Give Now--Make a difference for wildlife and people too!


General Refuge Needs


Our ongoing fundraising activity provides support for general needs of the Refuge that are either not included in the Refuge budget or cannot be funded with federal dollars.  We invite you to help us support the Refuge by contributing in a variety of ways:


  • Make a tax-deductible monetary donation

  • Purchase an engraved brick

  • Purchase an engraved flagstone square

  • Purchase a memorial bench


Engraved bricks, flagstones, and benches not only help to support the Refuge, they provide an opportunity to acknowledge family members or pay tribute to loved ones.  We invite you to stop by the entrance area at West 80th Avenue and take a moment to enjoy the beautiful tributes and meaningful messages others have inscribed on the bricks, flagstones, and benches.    

12 x 12 Flagstone Paver -  $500
24 x 24 Flagstone Paver $1,000
Engraved Brick
Five for the Flag!

Although the Refuge is a Federal facility and was dedicated over 20 years ago, Two Ponds NWR does not have a flagpole.  Founders & Friends has launched a “FIVE for the FLAG” campaign to raise $2,000 so that our U.S. flag can be displayed during Refuge events.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will cover all installation costs, and our goal is to dedicate the flagpole in November of this year during this year's Veterans Appreciation Walk.  

Donate $5, $50, $500 or any other amount to support this project
Junior Duck Stamp Program

Each year about 500 students throughout the state participate in the Colorado Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program - an environmental educational activity designed for all public, private, and home-schooled students in grades K-12 to learn more about waterfowl and habitat conservation.  This program encourages students to explore their natural world, invites them to investigate biology and wildlife management principles, and challenges them to express and share what they have learned with others.  One hundred students receive awards presented during a ceremony held at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities.

Any monetary donation is welcomed. Donations of art supplies are also appreciated.



How To Make a Donation

At this time, we accept credit cards, checks or cash.   To make a donation with a credit card, click on the donate button below. To make a donation with a check, complete a Donation Form and mail it, along with your check, to:  Founders & Friends of Two Ponds NWR, PO Box 746402, Arvada, CO 80006.  If you have any questions, please send an email to or call 303-423-2069.


Founders & Friends of Two Ponds NWR is a 501(c)(3), Colorado charitable organization. 

100 percent of your donations directly support our mission objectives.








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Volunteer - Find your passion at Two Ponds


The mission of Founders & Friends would be impossible to achieve without the hands and hearts of our volunteers.  We invite you to help us improve habitat for the benefit of wildlife and provide educational opportunities to the community.  You may contribute in a variety of ways, and we welcome new ideas.  Please contact us about your interest in volunteering by sending an email to

  • Volunteer Walker:  Occasionally walk the trails at Two Ponds and make notations on the checklist provided of anything that needs attention.


  • Noxious Weeds Monitor:  Receive instruction on identification of noxious weeds and periodically walk the Refuge during the growing season and report findings.


  • Writer: Prepare summaries of events sponsored by Founders & Friends, write articles about habitat or wildlife on the Refuge, or submit other written work related to our efforts.


  • Gardener: Work on the Prairie Garden near the entrance to Two Ponds (weeding, planting and maintaining the plants).


  • Kiosk Keeper:  Keep information in the kiosks updated monthly.


  • Founders & Friends Welcome Wagon:  Assemble packets of information about Two Ponds NWR and Founders & Friends of Two Ponds NWR and deliver to new residents in communities surrounding the Refuge.


  • Spring Clean:  During Arvada’s Fillup A. Can Days, organize a clean-up crew to clear the Refuge of litter.


  • National Trails Day: Help with staffing the booth, as well as with the setup and tear down of the booth.


  • Birding: Place and fill Hummingbird Feeders prior to Hummingbird Day in April; remove and clean feeders.


  • Two Ponds Tuesdays:  Work directly with the Refuge Manager to assist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in maintenance work at Two Ponds the second Tuesday of every month.


  • Resource Person:  If you have an area of expertise (biology or environmental science, computer technology, or other), lend your knowledge and experience.


  • Teacher: Present information to the community or provide environmental education opportunities in a variety of ways (e.g. read stories to children relating to nature; lead poetry activities; conduct a nature “scavenger hunt”)


  • Selective Service:  Make yourself available on a limited basis to assist Founders & Friends as occasionally needed. 


  • Expert Birder:  Expert birder needed to periodically update the Two Ponds NWR bird list to ensure new species observed on the Refuge are documented.


  • Website Support:  Help develop content and updates for the website.


  If you have a special talent or skill that would help support our mission, we invite you to share it.




“Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”

Elizabeth Andrew

Explore Corporate Stewardship - Partnering with Nature!

Two Ponds NWR offers many opportunities to partner with nature, including sponsoring events, constructing infrastructure, and restoring habitat.  Refuge projects also provide excellent team-building opportunities for groups of employees.


If you would like to explore being a corporate steward at Two Ponds, please contact Seth Beres at


Special Thanks to our donors in the business community:


  • Coral Key Scuba & Travel

  • Costco (52nd and Wadsworth)

  • Costco (92nd and Harlan)

  • Forty Weight Coffee

  • King Soopers (80th and Wadsworth)

  • Safeway (80th and Wadsworth)

  • Target (80th and Wadsworth)

  • Timberline Gardens

  • Wild Birds Unlimited

Two Ponds Address

9210 W 80th Ave,
Arvada, CO 80005

GPS: 39.8389, -105.10616

Contact Us

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